Beginning EJB 3, 2nd Edition | eBooks for Techies
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Java EE 7 Edition

Develop powerful, standards-based, back-end business logic with Beginning EJB 3, Java EE 7 Edition. Led by an author team with 20 years of combined Enterprise JavaBeans experience, you'll learn how to use the new EJB 3.2 APIs. You'll gain the knowledge and skills you'll need to create the complex enterprise applications that run today's transactions and more. Targeted at Java and Java EE developers, with and without prior EJB experience, Beginning EJB 3 is packed with practical insights, strategy tips, and code examples. As each chapter unfolds, you'll not only explore a new area of the spec; you'll also see how you can apply it to your own applications through specific examples.

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