Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch | eBooks for Techies
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

iOS Apps Development for .NET Developers

Developing C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch shows you how to use your existing C# skills to write apps for the iPhone and iPad. Fortunately, there's MonoTouch, Novell's .NET library that allows C# developers to write C# code that executes in iOS. Furthermore, MonoTouch allows you to address all the unique functions of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. And the big plus: You needn't learn any Objective-C to master MonoTouch! Developing C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch takes you from your first "Hello, World" example through the major APIs and features of iOS. The coverage is comprehensive and makes use of frequent examples, complete with sample code you can download and reuse to create your own powerful and playful apps.

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