SonarQube in Action | eBooks for Techies
Saturday, September 19, 2015

SonarQube is a powerful open source tool for continuous inspection, a process that makes code quality analysis and reporting an integral part of the development lifecycle. Its unique dashboards, rule-based defect analysis, and tight build integration result in improved code quality without disruption to developer workflow. It supports many languages, including Java, C, C++, C#, PHP, and JavaScript. SonarQube in Action teaches you how to effectively use SonarQube following the continuous inspection model. This practical book systematically explores SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality (design, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules). With well-chosen examples, it helps you learn to use SonarQube's review functionality and IDE integration to implement continuous inspection best practices in your own quality management process.

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