Practical RichFaces, 2nd Edition | eBooks for Techies
Friday, November 6, 2015

RichFaces 4 is a component library for JavaServer Faces, and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into business applications. It lets you quickly develop next-generation web applications based on JSF 2/Ajax. In this definitive RichFaces 4 book, instead of using JBoss Tools, the author bases all examples on Maven so that any IDE can be used - whether it's NetBeans, Eclipse, JBoss or even Spring. Practical RichFaces also describes how to best take advantage of RichFaces - the integration of the Ajax4jsf and RichFaces libraries - to create flexible and powerful programs. Assuming some JSF background, it shows how you can radically reduce programming time and effort to create rich AJAX-based applications.

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