SIP Trunking | eBooks for Techies
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Migrating from TDM to IP for Business to Business Communication

Most large enterprises have switched to IP telephony, and service provider backbone networks have largely converted to VoIP transport. But there's a key missing link: most businesses still connect to their service providers via old-fashioned, inflexible TDM trunks. Now, three Cisco experts show how to use Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking to eliminate legacy interconnects and gain the full benefits of end-to-end VoIP. Written for enterprise decision-makers, network architects, consultants, and service providers, this book demystifies SIP trunking technology and trends and brings unprecedented clarity to the transition from TDM to SIP interconnects. The authors separate the true benefits of SIP trunking from the myths and help you systematically evaluate and compare service provider offerings. You will find detailed cost analyses, including guidance on identifying realistic, achievable savings. SIP Trunking also introduces essential techniques for optimizing network design and security, introduces proven best practices for implementation, and shows how to apply them through a start-to-finish case study.

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